Associated Systems Incorporated


August 2011

Improve Customer Service with Electronic Call System

As part of its Customer Billing system (EasiBill), ASI offers utilities a call system that tracks customer calls and responses to the calls electronically.

The system, which creates a customer contact log, allows utilities to set up codes to indicate why customers are calling. These calls/requests can be monitored electronically to discern if there are trends regarding questions or problems customers may be experiencing. This in turn allows the utility to monitor and proactively address these concerns.

Improve Customer Service

Other features that are available to the customer service representative (CSR) include:

  • Review of all major account elements in one place, including service address, mail-to address, all telephone numbers, account balance, last payment date with amount, last billed date, and bill due date
  • Access from the call tracking screen to many account functions, including account history, account notes, and call history for the customer. Also provides the ability to change customer information, create a service order, grant extensions, and take a payment.
  • Ability to flag the account if a return call is necessary by the CSR or management. Alerts notify the appropriate person when calls are still open.
  • Extensive reporting of information gathered that may include: number of calls by time of day, number of calls taken by each CSR, number of calls per catastrophic event such as a power outage or water line break, number of calls taken by the reason, including a top 20 list.

For more information, email us.

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